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Binge eating

I want to start to do what you have been suggesting to Karolina. I don't want chocolate bars. If I want the food to be oreos, how do you suggest to bring them into the house. They aren't sold in individual packs in Canada.

finding maintenance cals

I am continuously gaining weight. How do I find my maintenance calories if I am slowly gaining?

How to talk to my daughter about weight loss

Hello Heather, I’ve recently started my weight loss journey and I’m struggling with how to talk to my daughter about weight and weight loss. As her mom, I want her to love her body and not be critical about herself, but it’s hard for me to be a good role model when I’m so worried about measuring my food and focused on the scale. Any advice? Thanks, Katie

Strength Training schedule

When looking at your personal journal in the HSM forms I always notice that you have a number/lower case letter combo (4a), (3b), next to each of the strength and/or stretch/mobility exercises. Is that a code to organize them into body parts so that you are targeting all parts of your body and can rotate they type of exercise? I use the strong app to track my strength training and have several workouts created. However, I am an organized person and kind of like the idea of grouping like exercises (such as types of squats) (types of rows) (types of mobility exercises) - and have a way to track them. Also do you stick to a specific plan for a specific period of time?

Lose without tracking?

Hello Heather.. You have talked about the $2 plan- notebook and pen— the one where I would draw a line in the middle of paper and then write my food plan on the left and check off the food I eat on the write. Also I would write what I eat and didn’t plan on the right. Is this plan for lose weight or for trying to control binge eating? Please explain further if or how to use this writing plan for losing weight. Thank you. Kathy